
Chairman TANAKA Keiji
The Cooperative Association of Japan Shipbuilders (CAJS), established in 1959, now has 59 member shipyards.
Since its founding, CAJS has been committed to modernization and rationalization of the medium and small-size shipbuilding industry and enhancement of its technical standards, and also endeavored to promote international cooperation. These activities have made important contributions to the advancement and development of the medium and small-size shipbuilding and related industries.
Today, the demand structure for medium and small-size vessels is dramatically changing, and at the same time shipbuilders are called upon more than ever to address environmental issues, not only to conserve the local environments of individual shipyards but also to help prevent global warming and reduce industrial wastes.
Under these circumstances, the members of CAJS are determined to step up their combined efforts to contribute to the development of a new system of marine transportation, which can successfully meet extensive social needs.
It is our sincere wish that this website may prove useful for the future development and expansion of the business activities of our customers.